Available products and realistic statements

Edit: I did not dig into forums for new info, apologies, the following is based on contact with musicians friend and fryette est 2001-June2024

New GPDI Studio amp:

Retailers have them “on order”
Retailers give false availability dates stated to be from manufacturer contact/contracts

Fryette has stated “date coming soon”

Fryette will not indicate a realistic release date/timeframe.

issues span years now

Question: Why is Fryette not being transparent about the product development and release dates?

Comment: The public information is misleading.

Hey @DealedDoom and welcome to the community :tada:

Does this help: Updated Valvulator Availability ? There is a new version in development — I think this is probably why.

Right, I’m going back to the Fryette Bat Cave to continue with my nontransparent, secretive product development :slight_smile: .



Helps get my hopes up thats for sure. Its pretty much the same info though with no timeframe and “its in development”. Im sure its top knotch with 4+ years of development. I won’t lie, I have patience issues for dream products like this new version.

Thanks Dan - looking forward to the new Valvulator - Michael

I know it’s a cliche but it will be worth the wait. It’s not been in development 4 years, much less than that. Small companies need to be careful with their extremely limited resource. OK, I’m going to back to the Fryette Towers …


It’s been for sale at dealers since 2020. If it wasn’t even in development that’s pretty sad.

Hey Kelly,

Sorry I don’t understand. I was talking about the new product. It has been in development for about 2 years. In parallel with other things.



“New for 2020”

Happy to have a conversation about this but I’m not sure we are all even talking about the same thing.

Hey Dan, GM. I think we need to clear up the confusion. Is the model on retailers not the product we are expecting or have been waiting for since 2020?

I’m talking about the gpdi ir, which was announced for sale along with the power load ir. They’ve both been gor sale at dealers for several years, but the gpdi ir never shipped. The advertisement above speaks for itself. Are you not aware this product has been listed for sale longer than you say it’s been in development?

Yes, it has taken much longer that we wished.

Meanwhile, Steve mentioned the challenges regarding the new GPDI-IR along with references to the attendant world events that affected its completion several times on The Malcontents YT show.

In a recent episode he played through the production sample to prove it is in fact in production and about to drop.




Having trouble finding the episode you mentioned. Which season/epi is it?