Is the 2/50/2 able to be bridged to it’s own channels? example mono signal going to channel a input, channel a speaker to channel b in put channel b speaker to speakers.
(quick edit i believe the proper term is paralleling)
WTF is this madness
If you’re asking if you can run the 2502 as a bridged mono power amp, there is no practical way to do that. For sure you must not attempt to run the speaker output from one channel into the signal input of the other.
Maybe it would help if would describe the end result you are looking to achieve. Then we can let you know how best to accomplish that.
So the only way to achieve the stereo “effect” from the power amplifier, is to send a stereo signal to it?
I want to run the power amplifier in stereo.
That’s correct. A stereo power amp cannot make a stereo image from a mono source. It can only amplify the stereo image you send to it and the speakers connected to its stereo outputs.