Dip switch settings for different load tasks

Dear Fryette team,

I have a question regarding the Reactive Load Dip Switch Settings. I know that the Flat Settings are only resistive. Regarding the reactive load settings I‘d like to know if you could give me some tipps which setting combination suits which cab/speaker situation the best when using it as a load for IR use. I read somewhere that both dipswitches set in the middle position are close to a 4x12 cab but he doesn’t mention the speaker type. Maybe you could recommend some typical dipswitch combinations lets say for a 4x12 Greenback, 4x12 V30, 1x12 open back etc… If I am using it for attenuation and going through a cab I am using strictly my ear and I don’t care - but I also use the power stations load to capture my amp heads (just the heads without cab) via my neural dsp quad cortex and in this context the load impedance curve makes a huge difference in the result. If possible I‘d like to have recommendations for a 4x12 Greenback closedback, 4x12 v30 closedback, 4x12 Creamback closedback, 4x10 openback, 1x12 Greenback openback, 2x12 Alnico Blue openback

Thanks in advance and have great holidays everyone,


Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the well-posed question; believe me, that makes it easier to answer.

The general advice is to set the toggle switches. for taste and feel. Think more about what suits your mood or the track and adjust accordingly. There are no wrong settings nor “right” settings.

The controls are not fine-grained enough to be able to mimic 4x12 Greenback, 4x12 V30, 1x12 open back, etc. This is perfect territory for IRs. What the toggle switches are doing is presenting different amounts of impedance to your amplifier at different frequencies. This makes it much more dynamic and responsive, and also your speaker sees a real valve amp too. That’s what makes the Power Station so special.

I personally use warm and edge and this does seem to be the most speaker-like in terms of the impedance curve.

