Power Load and PS-2A/PS-100 reactive load

I tried a PS-100 and liked the reactive load but its feature set is more than I need.

The PL is a cheaper option and I wanted to know if the reactive load circuit is the same in the PL as the PS series or is it different? Control wise it looks the same but I’d like clarification, if anyone can provide it.


Hi David,

Yes they are the same reactive load circuit and even have the same toggle switches so you can modify the impedance curve to you taste.

Here is a link to the user manual, https://store-qis3kuj7.mybigcommerce.com/content/PL-IR_Manual_3152022-Final.pdf

Take a look at page 6,


To access the “output signal unfiltered” i.e. the raw signal that your amp is outputting without any modification, use Analog Out 1: either the balanced or unbalanced depending on your purpose.

Hope that helps!



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