PS-2A effects loop anomalies


I’ve noticed recently that my PS effects loop doesn’t work when the unit is at a very low volume. And now today I am getting a crackling when using pedals in the loop during a chuggy palm muted chord. Otherwise the unit seems to work fine.

Any thoughts?


Could be a cable issue or a power supply/ground loop issue.

First remove the gear in the loop and see if it works OK.

Next try a jumper cable between the loop Send and Return to see if that changes anything.

If all is good up to this point, put one pedal only in the loop and power it with a battery or its own dedicated power supply that isn’t connected to anything else.
The serial number of the unit might be helpful.

Do you have pedals in front of the amp and pedals in the loop on a common board using a common supply? If so, please describe in detail.

