My mains/wall voltage dips throughout the day, and season. I am employing a variac for the preamp and lxii to keep them at 119 volts for sound. Is the power consumption of the lxii that I use to solve for draw of amps 350 w (which is what the manual says the power requirement for it is) ? The variac I am looking at ordering is rated for 15.3 amps output, so I am likely to never exceed it with a whole amp rig.
Hey Shread,
Can you give more details on exactly what will be on the variac circuit? We should be able to figure out the power requirements of the preamp. Usually they are specified as output amps. So 15.3 \text{A} \times 119\text{V} \approx 1.8\text{kVA}. This seems like overkill for a preamp and LXII! You could probably save some money and get a smaller one. Let us know the details and we can figure it out.
I think I got it figured out. Syn1 preamp, and fryette will be on the variac. If I’m right about the wattage requirement (350w) at the lxii mains the power amp is only drawing close to three amps and I think the syn1 about 2 tenths of an amp. I can have up to about 7 on each receptacle of the variac, and I have a multimeter coming in the mail that will alert me after I set an underage or overage of my choice. I was absentmindedly figuring for the amp draw in the past by what wattage the amp drives the speaker load with. The manual says the power requirement for the lxii is 350 watts so I assume that’s what it uses where the power cable plugs in. I just need to track everything back to the wall now and make sure I’m not exceeding any cord runs,power conditioner or outlets. Thanks.