Sig:X 110V to 230V conversion

[Some context & story]
Early this year I bought a fantastic Sig:X amp. It sounds fantastic: I love it! I decided to get this KT88 monster as I was desperately trying to get an Ultra Lead.

Guess what? Two weeks after getting it, a contact sent me a message that they decided to sell their UL with graphic EQ. Coincidence. Within a month I owned TWO KT88 amps. The pinnacle is that the Sig:X actually holds it’s own next to an Ultra Lead. Truly remarkable. I decided to keep the Sig:X as well!

Anyway the Sig:X was a 110V US model. Not very practical here in EU, as it requires an unpractical external transfo/power converter. And what shouldn’t happen did happen anyway (Murphy). I was rearranging my amps, cabs and cables. I finished wiring up and switched the transfo on. I must have mistakenly taken the wrong cable and plugged it in the back of the Sig:X. I remember being surprised the amp shut off after 10 seconds, while I had well activated the 110/230V external transformer. Then I noticed there was no cable in the transformer and I realised my mistake.

No harm done, the fuse had done it’s work. Got it checked over by my tech and it was fine. He did have to do some internal cleaning on it as there was some beginning rust to take care of.

[The Questions]
Now. To prevent this from happening again, I decided I want to rewire the amp to 230V. My amp tech is willing to do that but doesn’t have the info he needs to do this. He has done this in the past with my Orange RockerVerb 50 Mk I and Orange support provided him with instructions to rewire the internal transfo.

  1. I hope the Sig:X’s transfo can be rewired from 110V to 230V too? Do you know if it can?
  2. If not, can I order the right transfo to make my Sig:X 230V capable? Direct from Fryette or through a EU distributor?

PS: My tech owns a transfo company called “Monolith” that designs and builds for hifi applications so he actually knows what he’s doing.

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Bump. Any info on how to do this conversion and what parts to order is helpful.

Yes, that can be done and we’ll be happy to provide your tech with the info he will need.

Please have him email us directly at



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