Support email gives odd response

Every time I send a parts request email to I get a response that says I don’t have privileges to post. See the attached photo.

I have tried to ask about this on my original forum post about issues with my ps-100 but received no response.

Hi @GingerFlyBoy

Thanks for posting this and making it a separate site thing; it really does make it easier to spot. With so much going on, it is easy to lose things like this.

This is a bug in the software we are using to run the forum. I am asking for support. I have added a note to the parts request FAQ to explain this email will arrive and to ignore it—for now!



Hey Dan,

Since it’s been 2 weeks with no response to the parts request I sent, (I know it’s the holidays) I am curious if I can pick up a spare set of jj 6550 tubes to use until fryette can provide the replacement parts? Will the PS-100 need a rebias for the new tubes?


You mean pop into the shop to pick up a set? I’m going to pass this on to @Gil he will have more of a view of what’s going on at the shop than me.

He should get in touch via email with you.



No I am picking up an amp from service in Nashville today. They have 6550 matched tubes on hand. Can I use any set?


Yes, any matched set will do fine. Here what we use What 6550s do you recommend?

