I currently run all effects pedals through the Boss ES-8 switcher. I have it wired via the 4-cable method to enable me to take advantage of running certain effects pedals through my amps FX loop (delay, chorus etc.), and running other effects pedals (distortion, EQ, etc.) through the front of the amp. This works like a charm as I can switch the pedals around from FX loop to the front of the amp and back at any time.
I am looking to purchase the Fryette PS-100 and ZMACS 4x4 so that I can run a second amp head and cabinet into the Boss ES-8 and have attenuation at the same time. As I am unable to find anything on your website or in the user manuals, is it possible to connect the Boss ES-8 via the 4-cable method, to the Fryette PS-100 and ZMACS 4x4 and if so, what would the connections be? I have included an image of the Boss ES-8 4-cable method wiring schematic that I am currently running. Thanks so much.
With gratitude,
Perry Staniscia
The power station has a effects loop.
The ZMACS is MIDI controled.
I also have a ES-8. That is what I would hook up.
Hello Stephen,
Thank you for your quick reply. I am aware of the PS-100 having an effects loop and the ZMACS being midi controlled along with having 2 attenuator loops. But before committing to spending $2,200 USD plus shipping and tax for the purchase of the Fryette PS-100 and ZMACS, I want to make sure that the 4-cable method wiring method I am currently running with my Boss ES-8, will integrate with the PS-100 and the ZMACS. As such, I am looking for a wiring schematic as to how the cabling is to be connected amongst the 3 pieces of equipment. There are no wiring schematics for the 4-cable wiring available on the Fryette website.
The last thing I want to do is spend that kind of money of the Fryette PS-100 and ZMACS, to find out after I’ve purchased them, that there is no way of integrating them into the Boss ES-8 via the 4-cable method of wiring. I would appreciate passing my request on to someone at Fryette that can provide me with my requested wiring schematic. Thanks so much.
With gratitude,
Perry Staniscia
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First, have a look at this flow chart.
This is a 4CM rig using a Helix which has a known problematic ground loop isolation problem. This is why the chart makes a point of paying attention to the ground path, which you need to do anyway in a setup like this.
To use the ES-8, you would simply sub it for the Helix, so that takes care of the application with your upfront pedals and the Power Station loop.
To incorporate the ZMACS, you would connect your guitar to the ES-8 Input, the ES-8 Send Vol to the ZMACS Input The ES-8 RT Vol to the PS FX Send and the PS FX Return to the ES-8 Out 1/R.
The ZMACS AMP 1-4 jacks send the pedal FX signal to the selected amp.
The PS-100 serves as the post amp loop for all the amps and the return power amp to each speaker.
When you bypass the PS, you will also bypass the post amp loop, so be aware of that.
You may also run into ground loops issues common to rigs like this, however, ZMACS has a built-in isolation transformer that can be patched in if needed to help with that.
A drawing will be available eventually, so please be patient. Meanwhile this answers your question for now.
GroundLoopFlowChart_Multi-FX_PS100.pdf (1.1 MB)
Here’s a link to the ZMACS manual:
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That’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for your clear and concise answer as I am now confident to purchase the PS-100 and the ZMACS. I wish you a great day & thanks again!
Perry Staniscia