I have a pittbull fifty/CL head that I love.
However, to use it in concert with my effects, I am a little annoyed with its pedalboard and dedicated wiring that does not allow me to control my other systems unless I juggle with my feet.
I have an excellent voodoo lab control switcher, which allows you to switch analog footswitch type controls via midi to jack output.
(for example to change channels on a head and change presets on my multi-effects at the same time).
For the pittbull, I was thinking of making a small box with the multi-wire cable and its din6 socket on the amp as input, and female jack sockets as output, one per function (channel, boost, effect, equa).
Will this work without risk to the amp?
Can we find the schematic of the footswitch (FC-5)?
or just the dyn6 socket? (I suppose there is a common and a contact per function to activate relays)
otherwise I will disassemble my footswitch and study this.
after all nothing better than disassembling and studying to learn by yourself.
I share (if you give me permission) the footswitch diagram for those who want to have fun modifying or optimizing the control.
it is not a standardized diagram, but it is the view you will have if you disassemble your pedalboard.
note that it is beautiful material wired hand point by point which breathes quality, and therefore easily modifiable,
not a Chinese footswitch with a pcb where you can do nothing.
thank you for your message.
i haven’t finished what i have in mind yet, but i ordered all the small equipment i need (case, jacks, din 6 etc.)
when it will be functional i will make a small news.
however as i had opened the pedalboard, i took the opportunity to make a small easy modification that corresponds to my needs:
i switched the equalizer assignment switch to the effects loop control.
it is not completely optimal because in neutral position i can’t have the effects loop active on both channels, it is all deactivated (i made several combinations without success).
but it is not annoying because it is exactly the desired effect.
a dry rhythm channel, and a lead channel with the delay in the loop,
like that no need to tap dance with my feet!
If anyone is interested I can make a little diagram.
I am always frustrated in the use and management of effects, there is always something wrong because each system is so different. (footswitch ts/trs, midi, dedicated cables and connectors, rhaaaa what hell! hahaha!!)
and when I play and move (on stage), I become stupid and I have to simplify the rest as much as possible. especially the management of effects.
my goal: one or max two buttons.
for the moment the project on this switcher is progressing slowly due to lack of time, and I had difficulty finding molded DIN6 cables (but I just received some!) I will move forward now.
I had tried to make a cable with a bare din6 plug (it is hot to solder in this little thing), and the result did not please me.
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I finished my little box, but I still have some modifications and improvements to make.
Basically it’s an interface between my voodoo lab control-switcher and the pittbull, and it works perfectly.
But I can also simply connect basic passive footswitches to the inputs that interest me.
That’s why I also installed miniswitches, which allow me to couple the channel change and the effects loop, and the EQ, it’s cool to switch between the lead channel with the whole thing and the rhythm channel all dry with a single footswitch.