PS100 Worked Great For 10 Minutes, Got Hot and Stopped Working

I recently bought the PS100 and hooked it up yesterday. It seemed to work great with my W/D/W setup for 10 minutes and then it proceeded to start smoking and lost all sound after an abrupt screech sound. The main power supply fuse appears to be fine. I believe the unit still powers on but has no sound. I will verify this tonight. The unit top was extremely hot to the touch as well.

Hey @mmcgahey88 welcome to the forum :tada: – you are in the right place.

This will almost certainly need a service to figure out what went wrong. Did you get from a dealer or direct; is it under warranty and what country are you in?



I bought it from vintage king and it is under warranty and i am shipping back to them for replacement.

I did check it does power up and fan is running. It seemed like it really got hot.


OK, that sounds like the best thing to do! Yes, very odd, something go too hot if there was smoke - but without photos it is hard to know more. Glad things are moving forward for you. Let us know how it goes.



Can you please post an update when they figure out what happened?

My unit that I recently purchased did the exact same thing, the internal fuse was blown and several of the components showed damaged solder joints around the fuse area. The store can’t figure out what caused it.

I’m getting a replacement, but seeing this being posted 3 times in the last 2 months has me concerned that there is some kind of defect in the latest run of unit fryette has put out.

My unit has been shipped back to Vintage King and they are sending me a replacement so I’m not sure if I will hear what actually failed in mine. It was really odd because I never pushed it. I had my amp at half volume and gain on the blue channel and was just seeing how much it would “turn down the volume and keep tone” and it was working great. 10 minutes later it was smoking and stopped putting out sound and was extremely hot.

Yep that’s what mine did.

Do let me know of the store can update you on what was wrong with it.

Someone also just got another unit and posted a thread on how to hook it up and his replacement unit went dead after 10 mins.

All of them seem to have the same issue, no sound unless its in bypass.

Hey @Cyphers,

I just tried to find your post about that issue because I don’t remember it, but I found a unreplied post about squeal. Apologies for missing that! Did you Power Station also produce smoke?

@mmcgahey88 your unit will end up back at Fryette so they should be able to figure out what is going wrong.



There was an abrupt screech/squeal like something burned out I guess and stopped working but there was an electrical smoke smell and the unit was very very hot on top.

Hi Dan,

Yes, it let out a loud screech sound then stopped working and created smoke and a smell of fire.

I opened it up before sending it in, the internal fuse was blown and two resistors next to it where measuring infinite resistance.

The 220k resistors under the fuse to be specific.

The smell seemed to be coming from the reactive load section, but I’m not sure if the fan sent the smoke to that vent.

Before I sent it in I managed to test with a speaker cable and a multimeter if the load still showed any impedance and it did. I couldn’t see any traces of damage around that portion of the board but I’m not sure since everything there is tightly packed.

I had the same thing happen this evening. This PS-100 unit arrived earlier today so I had been using it for a about 4 hours. It seemed to work fine and then it just decided to start making that same squealing sound you described. It was only for a second or so. I looked at the PS-100 and could see that one of the tubes was bright red, so I knew that wasn’t a good sign. A burning smell became apparent and then the tube lost its brightness, and the smell subsided. The green on/off switch and fan still work, and I can play in bypass mode, just not in operate mode. I will open a support ticket with Fryette tomorrow morning.

Apologies I can’t figure out how to send a service request. Here is my situation:

Hey Steve,

I’ve moved it to a new post. I’m not sure what happened. I think you were talking with the forum’s bot.

Here it is, PS-100 failure after 45 mins. no sound